電影《名偵探 Pikachu》已經上映左好一段時間,相信大家都已經見慣戲入面嗰一隻毛茸茸嘅比卡超!
原來,電影概念畫師 RJ Palmer 知道比卡超係大叔聲之後,一開始想營造佢有一種中年叔叔嘅感覺,所以刻意將佢畫得麻麻甩甩同埋中年發福;不過,佢自己畫完之後都覺得「哪裡怪怪的」,加上開始收到各方面希望修正嘅建議,慢慢改進,先至變成而家大家喺銀幕上見到嘅版本。
以下係 RJ Palmer 最初嘅中年比卡超版本:
So it’s been a couple weeks since Detective Pikachu came out. What better way to start posting my work than the man himself. I just want it to be known that I definitely tried pushing a Danny Devito angle at one point. I worked on this project for 7 months, so expect more soon. pic.twitter.com/3Tu9jiMBCX
— RJ Palmer@Fanime 1407 (@arvalis) May 23, 2019
講起 RJ Palmer,其實佢本身係任職於 Ubisoft San Francisco Studio 嘅設計師,因為曾經參與名為「Realistic Pokemon」同人設計嘅活動,而引起電影團隊注意,決定邀請佢加入電影嘅美術行列。
至於佢當時參與「Realistic Pokemon」嘅作品,可以參考以下呢一度:
I wanted to spend a bit more time on Sobble since it was looking a bit unfinished compared to the Grookey and Scorbunny. Now you can easily see all three Realistic Pokémon starters here instead of hunting for the individual tweets. pic.twitter.com/aluUm5Sez2
— RJ Palmer@Fanime 1407 (@arvalis) May 17, 2019