曾經勇奪「Game of the Year」既《The Witcher 3(巫師 3》)都出咗成三年,相信唔少朋友白金都拎埋,但原來遊戲入面有好多隱藏既細節你又知唔知道呢?近日《The Witcher》系列既官方 Twitter 就搞咗個「Witcher Fact」揭祕,當中唔少鮮為人知既細節,頗為有趣。
「Witcher Fact」總數會有 11 回,暫時去到第 7 回。當中有唔少都屬於設定類既資訊,當然亦有遊戲內既隱藏野。其中最特別既就係《The Witcher 3》既世界入面,其實係有鬼船呢樣野存在的。當然《巫師 3》玩家人數咁多,可能有人一早就發現,但係官方 Twitter 下面亦有自稱玩咗成 700 個鐘既玩家都唔知有鬼船既存在,可見遊戲世界之龐大,相信仲有野未被人發現。
Witcher Fact #2
At a specific time of night and a specific location in the waters of Skellige, a ghost ship emerges only for a brief moment. This happens once each and every day. Wanna go ghost hunting? pic.twitter.com/TtllUbp3hR
— The Witcher (@witchergame) October 17, 2018
官方 Twitter 陸續會更新「Witcher Fact」,當中亦有解釋係「Hearts of Stone」入面,驢仔耳同教授眼鏡點解會有隱藏工具包配方。有興趣既朋友請繼續留意住官方 Twitter 既更新啦!
Witcher Fact #7
Hearts of Stone introduces two vanity items for Geralt: Professor’s spectacles and Ass ears. Late in production we realized that Geralt should be able to wear them simultaneously. That's why there's a recipe for Concealment kit, which merges them into one item. pic.twitter.com/5RZueSggv5
— The Witcher (@witchergame) October 22, 2018