萬眾期待 71017 The LEGO Batman Movie Minifigures 有圖睇

講又講好耐,等又等好耐, 71017 The LEGO Batman Movie Minifigures 終於有高清圖睇啦!


71017 The LEGO Batman Movie Minifigures 列表:

Eraserimg_8815 Dick Graysonimg_8803 Red Hoodimg_8813 March Harrietimg_8809 Zodiac Masterimg_8819
Mimeimg_8817 Lobster-Lovin’Batmanimg_8808 Vacation Batmanimg_8818 Barbara Gordonimg_8799 Calculatorimg_8814
Commissioner Gordonimg_8802 King Tutimg_8807 Glam Metal Batmanimg_8805 Orcaimg_8811 Pink Power Batgirlimg_8812
Arkham Asylum Jokerimg_8816 Catmanimg_8800 Nurse Harley Quinnimg_8810 Clan of the Cave Batmanimg_8801 Fairy Batmanimg_8804

啲 Batman 啱哂粉絲之外仲有好似 Red Hood、Eraser 呢啲經典角色都有嘅時候,一整入手就必定。15193614_1640307842935944_2171506051112558429_n


睇返呢張流出圖就發現更多驚喜,原來 Red Hood 唔只係 Joker造型,連76055 嘅 Jason Todd Red Hood 頭都有,咁大家唔捨得買 76055 嘅朋友真係要入多隻先得啦。


但今次有個隱憂係,官方會唔會咁好死一箱 60 隻真係剛好整整三套定有其他情況,可能要到 12 月尾大家就有定案。



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